An unrecognisable gospel?
What’s so good about the Good News? Can it be that the mandate to declare the message and...
Awaken to purpose and destiny
Awaken to purpose and destiny As you awaken and commence on this journey, you will discover: God is...
A message from the ruins of Ephesus and Corinth …
I have had the privilege of travelling and had the opportunity to visit what is left of the...
Wake up o sleeper!
Wake up o sleeper. Arise from your slumber. Now is the time to Arise and Shine for your...
Darkness into light
Whenever we turn our faces towards the light of the Father’s countenance, our questions, fears and cares dissolve...
Father’s good pleasure
God wants to help you unlock the mysteries for victorious living Today. This is not a promise for...
Struck down but not destroyed
You are STILL on track
Dear friend, like many you were probably born into a family or setting that accepted the presence and...
Faith that moves mountains
I learnt from early on that true faith was not 'my faith', 'faith in' or 'faith for' but rather 'the faith of the son of God' at work in me and finding expression through me. That I believe is the faith that moves mountains, deifies death and breaks the boundaries of time. It is the only faith that pleases God and aligns us with His purpose and agenda. It is the only type of faith that can keep us on the straight and narrow path to life and cause us to escape so much of the error and vanity preached and taught in God's name.