You matter to God

From God the Father’s perspective, no one is an accident or after thought. You are here by His deliberate design and intention. You started as an idea in God’s mind before you materialised and awoke to consciousness as the man, woman, boy or girl you are today.

Your gender, race, ethnicity, family, heritage, name and current circumstances are but mere garments that you have been clothed in. Your true worth and identity come from God, the Father of your Beginnings, in whom you live, move and have your being.

Contrary to the lies and misperceptions you have collected over time, God is closer to you and more intimately involved in your life than you realise!

He is closer to you than your breath. The very hairs of your head are all numbered, and He is present to show Himself strong on your behalf. God wants you to walk in His specific plan for your life. So tune into His wavelength today for you matter to God.