has nothing to do with the material or physical world
I learnt from early on that true faith was not ‘my faith’, ‘faith in’ or ‘faith for’ but rather ‘the faith of the son of God‘ (Galatians 2:20 in the KJV) at work in me and finding expression through me. That I believe is the faith that moves mountains, deifies death and breaks the boundaries of time. It is the only faith that pleases God and aligns us with His purpose and agenda. It is the only type of faith that can keep us on the straight and narrow path to life and cause us to escape so much of the error and vanity preached and taught in God’s name.
I agree with the ‘faith hall of fame’ description given to the book of Hebrews 11. It is a great place to unveil the true meaning of faith; the type that will usher every seeker into the presence and reality of God. Without, faith it is impossible to please God. Faith raises the game, changes the rules and translates your existence, choices, priorities and expectations into a completely different realm. Suddenly,you are the ‘weird one’; you don’t sound, look, think, see, talk, feel, hear or aspire like everyone else.
The writer of Hebrews (11:1) defined faith as ‘the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen’.
If faith itself is the substance and evidence (and not physical things) that tells me the ‘playing field’ is definitely not in the realm of the physical. That teaches right there that God’s reality and mine is elsewhere and not in the things that I can see, touch, smell, hear,taste and feel. The true prize or goal of faith is not for anything within this physical realm. The true object of faith cannot be a physical thing that is subject to decay, corruption or death. True faith extends beyond the boundaries of time and into eternity. The record of Enoch’s translation by God into eternity (Hebrews 11:5) is perhaps the first evidence that the true object and substance of faith is beyond the realm of time and the material world.
Faith is about seeing the eternal, seeing the invisible and that ‘seeing’ having an impact on our actions and choices. Often, there is no physical evidence available (for those observing ) to explain the actions and choices made by the one who sees.
Yet from heaven’s perspective, men who lived by this faith obtained a good testimony. The testimony (i.e. mark or footprint) of their lifetimes were measured in terms of the faith expressed by their lives. This wasn’t about faith that acquired things but rather a faith that defies things; a faith that presses beyond the veil and illusion of matter, decay, corruption and time to enter into the eternal , immortal and incorruptible.
This is not the ‘sexy’ kind of faith that we have been taught about for so long. It is not the faith for ‘success’, cars, money, breakthrough, health etc. It is the very faith of the son of God at work in you on a mission for the Father and for the Kingdom. It is the only faith that will please God. It is the only faith that will cause you to seek Him and to do His will at any cost. This faith is the very life force of Jesus Christ Himself sustaining, strengthening and empowering you. It is the faith that moves mountains. It is the faith that bestows sight and wisdom to you. It is also the faith that may cost you your life, livelihood, friends, reputation ….
Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain and it cost Abel his life for Cain, consumed by jealousy, murdered him. If the end and purpose of faith were for this realm and for the preservation of life, then Abel was a fool. On the contrary, he is recognised by heaven with ‘God testifying of his gift’. Others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection. To make such choices and sacrifices, you gotta be seeing something different and real beyond the material and physical. It may sound like a tall order, but friends, that is the faith essential to our quest for God if we are to escape the corruption that has engulfed the world of churchianity!
Walking in the faith of the son of God is essential to our quest: hear, seek and do the will of God.
There is also what I call the multiplier effect of faith and that is how through the faith of the son of God, we begin to accomplish His will in the earth.
By one man Noah the world was condemned and the whole course of that system changed. Noah by faith responded to God’s warning leading him to action that defied all that was tangible and visible. But by it he saved his family and condemned the world. Sometimes there are immediate and visible rewards of faith in the form of vindication but the ultimate purpose and connection of faith is still eternal. Noah’s actions, choices and life flowed from faith and by that faith, he moved heaven, condemned (brought judgement upon) that world (system).
By one man Abraham came descendants as numerous as the stars of the sky. Abraham looked for the city with foundations whose Builder and Maker is God. And because of this he left his own people and lived as it were in a strange land as a nomad. He stepped out not knowing exactly where he was destined to end up. But he didn’t step out into a void for he stepped out knowing what he sought after … a city with foundations whose Builder and Maker is God. This is what can be accomplished in and through a man who lives by the invisible reality of God, His values, His purpose, His will.
Likewise, you, by your courageous & obedient life of faith may sound the final death knell for an old & corrupted system to usher in a New Day of God’s will for the earth. To him that believes nothing is impossible; even moving mountains.
I do recommend a reading of the recorded words of Jesus himself on the subject of faith. The following site, the Words, is dedicated to the paraphrasing Jesus’ words: http://www.thewords.com/thewords/page14.htm
Living a life of faith that moves mountains must be preceded first by hearing the call. It must start and end in the eternal God Himself; not by your choice, dedication, preference or force of will & desire. A Christian is first and above all “one who hears ….“
“Now the Lord had said to Abram …..”
God’s voice and words is the instigator. “My sheep listen to my voice, I know them and they follow me” (John 10:27). The voice is the call to seek; it fires up faith in the heart of the hearer (See Psalm 27:8) . Faith is the response that motivates to action, decisions and choices. However, I believe the condition of our heart determines how far or successful we become in the quest to seek and do his will. Jesus’ parable of the sower gives us the clues. … perhaps I will be led to write about that sometime