God’s truth never changed

God’s intent has always been the same. However, our capacity to grasp the meaning and depth of His Truth is progressive.

It is sometimes suggested that Truth is relative and changing in the sense that what is true today can be false tomorrow and vice versa. That may be so in the world and affairs of man but I do not believe it to so in the realm and kingdom of God.

There is no variableness or shadow of turning in God. Likewise His Truth does not change. It is constant; the same forever. Unfortunately, this has been used by the church to bible bash people into a legalistic acceptance of doctrinal ‘truths’ based on ‘biblical teaching’ and interpretation.

Seekers who have awakened to the voice and direction of God often stumble at this hurdle. As the inward revelation and teaching of the Spirit starts to contradict the church doctrines or interpretations long held as God’s truth, the seeker starts to waiver fearing they are being deceived by ‘seducing spirits’. Not so.

You see, whilst God’s truth never shifts, our understanding, interpretation and application of His word will do in response to the amount of light that dawns on our consciousness.

Hence the absolute requirement to be a seeker, if you are to go on to know and walk with God.  Lazy and cowardly acceptance of what you are served as ‘gospel truth’ by church creed and teaching will not get you into the very heart of God.

At best, many doctrinal teachings, creeds and practices of the church are man’s interpretation or attempts to apply God’s will but they are NOT Truth. At worst, they are man’s attempt to subjugate the masses into compliance and obedience to a religious system and form in such a manner that perpetuates that system; nothing to do with God at all!

If we are to go on to hear, seek and do the will of God then we must cast off the shackles of dead legalistic teachings disguised as God’s Truth. We must respond to Jesus’ call to Ask, seek and knock. Hear, seek and do the will of God.

God’s Truth was and is personified in the Living Christ, and Christ which is Spirit lives within you!

Jesus is recorded as declaring ‘I am the way, the truth and the life’. Our journey to understand and grow up into Christ, who is Truth, is progressive. Speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into Him who is the Head. (Ephesians 4:15).

Austin Sparkes puts it well:

Things may be taking a new and different shape,
but the purpose of God is the same.
We may be presented with His vision in new and further-on aspects,
but it is only what He originally meant.
Can we adjust? Can we leave “the things that are behind”?
Without raising any questions as to the right or wrong of what has been,
can we “go on” and “grow up”, “attain”?

I pray that many more will hear, seek and do the will of God. May we be counted amongst the heroes of faith (recorded in Hebrews 11) whose hearts were set on pilgrimage.