Dear friend, like many you were probably born into a family or setting that accepted the presence and preeminence of God. Rightly so too. You were brought up to believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. You were taught the gospel of how Jesus died for your sins and on the 3rd day was raised back to life and then ascended to glory. You have heard the promise of my return and my commitment to be with you until the end of the age.
Your love affair with me probably started when you made a personal commitment to me and gave your life to Christ. Then you followed me earnestly and called on me. I respond to all who call on me. To those who are able to come away from all the things of the world and seek me in the secret altar of their hearts, they find me, they sense my presence, they hear my voice and they see my hand print in the events and circumstances of their lives. I was with you in a very special and real sense and you with me. I change not. I am.
I am still with you and you with me. I will never leave you nor forsake you and nothing can separate you from the love of God as is revealed and expressed in me. I haven’t changed . I do not change. There is no variableness or shadow of turning in me. My commitment to you has never shifted an iota. Believe me when I say nor has your commitment to me shifted either. Your love and earnest desire for me has not changed since the beginning. Even as I change not, nor have you, for deep calls unto deep. My sheep know my voice and respond to it.
“But Lord this is not my experience”, do I hear you say. “My love has dimmed and the cares and worries of life, the comforts, the routines and the practical things, the disappointments of life and the passage of time have dimmed the light and blurred my love and passion.”
I know that is what it feels like to you. I understand that this is the judgment you have made about our relationship and walk these past years of your lifetime here. But I maintain, and you do well to believe me when I say, your love and earnest desire for me has not changed since the beginning. You are in me and I in you. Our destinies are intertwined. I am your success and you are mine.
Trust me, when I say our adventure is just beginning and the fulfilment of our hearts desire is certain. It is time to rest from your labours and enter into the joy of the Lord God.
I have been with you from the beginning. I was there in the infancy of your faith towards me and towards God. I am indeed the author and the finisher of your faith. I was there as you sought to understand and respond to the testimony of me. The gospel of salvation as it was preached and presented to you. I saw your devotion in the bible studies, the prayer sessions and the quiet times. I heard your whisper in the urgent prayers. I saw your soul’s anguish and fear in the darkest moments. Sometimes you heard my voice and knew my leading and comfort. Indeed you have testimonies of the faithfulness, power and provision of God in your journey and walk through life. You have the testimony in your heart that I am with you and have been with you from the beginning.
I am indeed The Lord who lights up your darkness, and I say to you our adventure is just beginning. The fulfilment of our hearts desire is certain. It is time to rest from your labours and to dance in the light of the glorious liberty and joy of your God. My testimony in your heart, the testimony of Jesus Christ, has been a beacon in the darkness to guide you home to God.
I do not talk of the testimony written by the hand or words of men, nor of doctrine or dogma or church teaching or tradition. I refer to the testimony written by the very hand of God on your heart; the voice that testifies “I am the Lord’s and he is mine. Nothing can separate me from the love of God in Christ”.
I am with you friend. I am guiding you, your life and your path. I am helping you navigate that road that leads to life. You have heard it said that I am the way, the truth and the life that leads men into the father heart of God.
The truth, which is my truth and your truth, the gospel of your salvation; the word that sets you free indeed is not far but near you! I reveal all things to you only open your eyes and see, open your ears and hear. It is in you, simply listen and hear for my holy spirit is deposited in you. This will never change nor cease. I change not.
My voice is going to get stronger within you over the next days, weeks and months ahead as the noise of the world around you fades into obscurity. Only listen, pay heed to my voice and follow my leading.
You know my voice now. The testimony of Jesus Christ in your heart has been a faithful guide to you. So trust your instinct. Follow your heart for there lays the key to all the riches and treasures in Christ that God has vested in you from the very beginning.
Yours together in God, your friend and Big brother,
Jesus Christ seated at the right hand side of glory.