Awaken to purpose and destiny

Awaken to purpose and destiny

As you awaken and commence on this journey, you will discover:

  • God is Love.
  • God is the ultimate reality and the ultimate truth.
  • In God everything holds together.
  • In God everything makes sense.
  • In God everything is fulfilled.
  • God is all in all

God is the Father of your beginnings, your source. Hence your journey back into God is a journey of awakening and a journey of rebirth. It started from your conception and continues until the moment you step back into God’s presence.

Everything and all things serve you in that journey back into God. For the whole earth is indeed filled with the glory of God. All things testify to the glory of God. The glory of God is your purpose – God glorified in you and you glorified in God.

Though you may not yet know it, you are very rich indeed. You are very much loved indeed. For all things work together for the good of those who are called according to God’s purpose. All things are yours in Christ.

So open your eyes. Listen to the testimony of the Spirit of God within you. Let your mind and thinking be renewed and let your world and circumstances be transformed by that renewing of your mind TODAY!!