From the Gospel stories we see that many men and women flocked to the man Jesus of Nazareth. They saw a man who was different and clearly had knowledge, insight and power unlike anyone they had seen or heard before.
Most just wanted to enjoy the benefits of his gifts (get healed, get free meals, be entertained by his feats, stimulated by his teachings) but then resume their less than ideal but comfortable and predictable lives.
However, some wanted more. These are the ones who desired to be disciples of Jesus. They wanted to be like him and have what he had. Jesus walked and worked in the authority and reality of heaven. That is what makes him, and those who have followed on in his footsteps, unique. He only did and spoke what he saw and heard his Father do and say. He commanded the elements, defied the laws of gravity, rebuked diseases and restored human life by his word because he attained heaven whilst in the flesh (not when he died). Though in the flesh and human, his reality was not that of the six human senses. His power base was not of the earth; physical nor visible. In his first 30 years of human existence, he had attained the prize of his calling; heaven. And for the next 3 years, he walked in the power and reality of it with signs and wonders following. He brought heaven to earth.
Disciples wanted to become joint heirs with him of the power and nature of the kingdom to come. They no longer wanted to go through life living as servants, struggling and feeding off the crumbs that fell off the table. No! They wanted to be Kings walking the earth, commanding nature, circumstances and resources.
This indeed was a noble and praiseworthy ambition on their part, for this also was the purpose and plan of God as revealed by Jesus in his preaching and teaching. By becoming disciples, they were signing up to learn from the master so that over time they too could become like the master.
HOWEVER, Jesus made no secret of the costs of discipleship. He asked his disciples to take up their crosses daily, deny themselves and follow him. He challenged the young rich ruler to sell all and come follow him. He declared that to follow him fully required hating one’s own family in comparison to the love you had for him.
These tough words from Jesus were meant to drum home the costs of following on to know God and to do His will. In their day, following on to know the God and Father that Jesus revealed put the disciples on a collision course with the political power of the day – The Roman Empire -, the religious establishment – The Rabies, S adduces and Pharisees – and any respectable Jewish family committed to the norms and traditions of their forefathers.
Similarly today for those who especially live or have grown up in a Christian (or any other religious) sub culture, breaking camp and following after God is not a comfortable, convenient or respectable journey without its costs! No, it demands sacrifice. It’s a principle that we cannot escape whilst we live in a realm where everything (within both the religious, secular and commercial structures) is designed and geared to resist the Kingdom of God and of Christ within you.
In the present day, for some this journey may start with breaking camp from church as we know it.
If attending Church, praise and worship and the other activities has become a ritual of going through the motions. Stop. Take stock. Don’t believe the lie that says ‘ I am doing my bit’ by being present, putting money in the offering, giving my time to church programmes and activities etc. Has your religious observance become a weekly ‘Sunday fix’ that has dulled your senses to that urgent need to dig deep for yourself?
Check yourself. You may have become a living zombie, living far below your God given potential. Choose life. Step out with God. Break camp !
Initially, the journey back into God may be hard going as you swim upstream against the tide of convention, culture, superstitious belief and doctrines that have no light. Be of good courage in the face of fears and doubts that might assail you. Throw yourself on the on the mercy and provision of God. This route will cost you much and you are not even sure where it will take you. All you know is that you find within yourself a quest to press into God and to know Him. Staying true to that quest takes you down this scary and unknown path which you perhaps would rather not travel. Take heart for the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him (2 Chronicles 16:9). You will not get lost.
You will arise in strength. You will know fulfillment and victory as you come to realise and walk in your true purpose and destiny!