Walk away from normal
Breaking Camp… walking away from the familiar and accepted structures, groups and conventions in your life to pursue...
@jesusukcom is a signpost
@jesusukcom is a signpost on your journey back into God. You will find here, and on the other...
Get ready to be challenged
@jesusukcom may challenge your beliefs and traditions, but hopefully signpost and encourage you as you respond to the...
Break camp – are you ready?
“Break camp?” ……. are you ready? are you willing? At first glance, it may be a scary and even...
Calling and Message
Calling and Message: Wake up to your destiny. Break Camp and walk away from those things, people, beliefs and...
Break camp
Wake up from your slumber! Break camp and move forward into Divine Purpose and Destiny. Breaking camp is...
God’s truth is within
Our only alleigiance is to the truth of God within; not to any particular faith, doctrine or belief...
Motivation Decision Action
The vision and motivation for @jesusukcom is to generate and share content online that awakens and quickens the...