“Break camp?” ……. are you ready? are you willing?
At first glance, it may be a scary and even more difficult message to contemplate for you.
It may require that you break away from the social comforts of church, church friends, activities and culture.
You find yourself at a point where if you must stay true to your first love and persuasions, then you must at great risk break camp from the church and step into the unknown – alone with God. Destiny beckons!
In the book of Hebrews (13:13), the writer called on Jewish believers to step outside the camp, like Jesus did, to share in his reproach (or disgrace). In the old testament book of Deuteronomy (1:7), the Israelites were instructed through the prophets to break camp, pack up their tents and move on – “you have stayed too long at this mountain (place of habit, comfort and security).
Likewise for many of us, the journey into God and Christ, may bring you to the cross road of decision making; break camp or stay?